Autos come in a variety of shapes, heights and sizes from an original Mini Cooper to a 50 ton 18 wheel truck sporting a trailer or a tractor with a haul in tow. For reasons that will be made clearer in the course of this article, it is much tougher to operate and remain in control of a motor vehicle as the size of it increases. Additional care should be taken at all times when operating a vehicle like a big truck; this is not to say no care should be taken when driving ordinary vehicles! Regardless of whether you own a truck or are going to buy trucks, here are some tips for consideration when driving a big truck: Ensure that your mirrors are adjusted correctly to suite your height and driving position. Larger trucks often only have the left and right mirrors to check blind spots and the rear of the vehicle. When driving, keep firmly in your mind that there could be a vehicle behind you which because of your size, you may not be able to see. When turning left or right, more so right (Country specific, not everyone drives on the right or left side of the road) ensure that you take corners widely, wide cornering is needed purely because of the length of the vehicle. Taking corners too closely can be especially hazardous and result in a serious mishap. One way to avoid such an unpleasant incident is to pass your turning slightly so that you are square with the turn, this will mean you are on the opposite side of the road when manoeuvring and you will need to give way to oncoming traffic still, just take it slow and easy many drivers are courteous and will let you take your corner. Pay attention to low bridges, over hanging tress and overhead cables. Know the height and width of your vehicle will avoid any accidents or collisions with said obstacles. Many experienced drivers have problems in this scenario. Often there will be plenty of notice of a low bridge or low overhead cables. Trees and other natural environmental factors obviously will provide no warning. Ensure you use the breaks correctly; apply them early and not too hard. The larger the vehicle the heavier, the longer it will take you to come to a complete stop. Driving at the correct distances recommended by the standards agency will help you to remain safe on the roads. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5564351