Friday, March 18, 2016

Wildlife Conservation: Wildlife needs protection because of ecological, cultural, economic and legal factors. Wildlife conservation has correlation with hydrological cycle, soil productivity, food and fodder. Wildlife- particularly endangered species need protection and management. Global Bio diversity is at risk, due to increased global demand for wildlife and its products. The changing market dynamics and the lifestyles demand more from the wilderness. The wildlife crimes are assuming organized status and the existing regulatory regimes are inadequate. There are many species in the earth facing endangerment, but Tiger is one of the Flagship Species going to be wiped off from its wilderness, if an eleventh hour efforts are not taken to arrest the factors leading to extinction. Hence the attention of the International Community is an urgent necessity. In the past century, populations of wild tigers have plummeted from 100,000 to 3500 globally..Tigers in India are in deep trouble, a little over 1400 tigers left in the wild, which is believed to have 40,000 during the last century. Threats of extinction of this species are by poaching, illegal trade, massive habitat fragmentation and destruction, loss of prey, poaching and illegal trade. At present only 13 countries have the tiger population of about 3200 in the wild and estimated that India homes about 60% of this. Chinese oriental medicine: The illegal trade in tiger bones accelerated in 1980's. Tiger populations in China had been decimated by the demand from traditional oriental medicine manufacturers. China remains a major consumer of tiger and other Asian big cat products for manufacturing these medicines. Tiger skins are sought for home dcor, taxidermy and bribery. Bone is widely used in traditional Chinese medicines and treatments. China's ever-growing demand for tiger parts to use in libido-enhancing and aphrodisiacal drugs & profit from the sales of tiger-bone wine and skins still remains the major cause of depletion of this most charismatic cat from the wilderness. Chinese government has banned tiger trade in 1993, removed tiger bone as ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine, but theblack markets for tiger parts are still active. This is evident from the findings of EIA (Environmental Investigating Agency) thatabout 4,000 tigers bred in captivity in China (as on Sept 19th 2009). Allegations are that large amounts of money are involved in the trade, which is controlled by organized criminal networks, which cannot be still contained by the authorities. During an under cover operation investigation in July and August this year, EIA (Environmental Investigating Agency ) was offered 4 full tiger skins, 12 leopard skins, 11 snow leopard skins and 2 clouded leopard skins. Tigers in India are in deep trouble: The2007 National census figure projected a tiger population of 1411 only in India. Pugmark counting was the method used for tiger census. Allegations were raised by prominent NGOs and Environmentalists on the method in which the numbers have been arrived. An example for this is the Sunderbans National Park in West Bengal of India. In January 2008 the census figures arrived by the Forest Officials through their traditional methods figure of 250 in the Tiger Reserve. Allegations were raised by NGOs and Environmentalists that this was a manipulated figure. On a recount it has been found that only 10 tiger were there in the Sunderbans. The Central Minister for Forests and Environment were to admit this and announced that more scientific census will be conducted by 2010.