Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Singers always wish to know how to choose the right songs for their voice. Each voice is unique, and its impossible to each voice to sound exactly like the artist whose song they may be singing, no matter how similar they may sound. Often times, a singer will choose an exciting song they love that is near impossible to them to sing or an outdated, boring song they have no connection with because its easy to sing in front of others. With so much to choose from, a singer may be left wondering how they can choose the right songs for their voice. Here are two tips: A singer should always first consider their connection to a song. You must determine whether or not the song and the message appeals to you and speaks to you in a way that you can express musically. Part of a singer finding his voice is figuring out what he as to say musically, and discovering the topics and vocal stylings that appeal to him most and that he can sing competently. The second thing to consider when choosing the right song is the vocal styling's and range of a song. The range of a song deals with how high or low the notes in a song go. When choosing music it is good to always consider the highest and lowest note of a song to determine whether or not you can sing them well. If not, consider adjusting the key. Sometimes a song needs to be lowered or raised by a key or two in order to fit another singer's voice perfectly. If the range is so wide that a changing the key will not help, consider changing the highest or lowest note in the song to something that fits your voice more without making the song sound awkward. You want to be sure that you are singing a song that you can sing regardless of any performance anxiety or nervousness that you may have. Simply adjust the song appropriately and be sure that you can sing through the song perfectly several times before performing it. Even the most versatile singers need to learn how to choose the right songs for their voice. It can make the difference between a polished, professional performance and a sloppy, amateur performance. Understand, acknowledge, and embrace your range and your strengths and weaknesses in order to be a confident and successful singer.