Voice of Wembley Stadium, Wembley arena and 350 UK radio stations on a Sunday afternoon this voice over guy is not so much deep and Am...
Khmer Hot News 2016 | Thida Kon Khmer Reacts Thy Sovantha
News programmes have suddenly become hot property and are vying for attention with other popular programmes telecast in different chan...
Giant Anaconda attacks Man
We fear from them as they have the potential to kill us by their venom. They are snakes. Snakes belong to the suborder Serpents and ar...
wooow dog so smart
The smart dog is a generic system that is sold in discount stores and flea markets for around $50. It sounds like a good deal, and wou...
The Voice Cambodia 27 March 2016
Few contemporary music fans listen to songs on compact discs or cassettes anymore. Digital music is the new craze, and most consumers ...
Weird Animals
Every small animal has a different idea of a happy home. Because your little friend will be spending the majority of his time in his h...
20 BIGGEST Animals in the World
The human being is a very irrational animal that has but a small amount of rationalism, sensitivity and intuition. His development tak...
The Voice Cambodia week 3
The music creation process has often been seen as daunting by the novice musician yet ask any professional musician and they'll te...
A lot of people attacks with lion
Tigers employ a variety of methods to maintain exclusive rights to their home range. Urine, mixed with anal gland secretions, is spray...
Animal World - Terror attack Lion Forest Buffalo
Wildlife Conservation: Wildlife needs protection because of ecological, cultural, economic and legal factors. Wildlife conservation ha...
The Voice Cambodia sou sana
It happens to all of us. We listen to our favorite song for too long, and before we know it, it drops to the bottom of our playlist. B...
Pit jear sahav klang nas......
Whether your property can benefit from renewable energy, there should certainly be at least one way you can help to reduce your energy...
The Voice Cambodia
Singers always wish to know how to choose the right songs for their voice. Each voice is unique, and its impossible to each voice to s...
Bean Hollow State beach Blue Whale
A big fish tank comes with an extra-large pump for oxygen, extra thickness of glass, and you will need good filters. You need to keep ...
Big Snakes in the world
If you are a beginning pet snake collector or are thinking about getting a snake for a pet you should consider a gopher snake. They ar...
Deadliest animal attacks on humans
Wildlife Conservation: Wildlife needs protection because of ecological, cultural, economic and legal factors. Wildlife conservation ha...
Monkey kikilu
Monkeys have always been regarded as fun, lovable and entertainingly witty creatures. They are oftentimes shown in movies as having cl...
Fishing For Prehistoric Dinosaurs In Texas
Anyone can learn how to catch big beautiful trophy fish by following some common sense tips and techniques. Maybe you've never cau...
Tiger Attacks Man: Real Tiger Attack Stunt
Animation can be used to inform, educate, advertise and express emotions just as live action can by using the same techniques; such as...
Biggest Shark in the world
Fishing is a common activity which involves various techniques and tactics. Many people in this world love fishing and you never know ...
Style monkey
Monkeys have always been regarded as fun, lovable and entertainingly witty creatures. They are oftentimes shown in movies as having cl...
Elephent Chasing Bike Rider
Stories are as old as language, as old as the earliest societies. A few of the earliest stories even survive: those told in pictorial ...
Khmer New Song Ro Tes Plerng Bok Knea
The Quest for music the way you like it, or should I say I like it has often been an uneventful, and often times disappointing task. ...
Fishing is supposed to be a relaxing activity. You imagine yourself in a boat slowly drifting along the current and you have your li...
Cutting squid from alive to sashimi at Hakodate Fish Market
You all may be thinking why write a topic on squid (calamari). For a lot of anglers squid is used a lot to catch a large variety of fi...
What happens when you don't pay your employees
Autos come in a variety of shapes, heights and sizes from an original Mini Cooper to a 50 ton 18 wheel truck sporting a trailer or a...
Very big Crocodile
Today there are something like twenty-two species of reptile that make up the Order Crocodylia. Of these species; only thirteen are ac...
Many know Many know Fisher Ames as the man who moved for the House version of the First Amendment on August 20, 1789. The most impor...